Monday, August 9, 2010

Abhishek realizes the truth

These days Abhishek Bachchan is on a short break. In fact he wants to take rest before he begins his shooting schedule again. The actor is looking forward for the Hindi remake of the movie Italian Job. This upcoming movie will star Abhishek and it will be directed by Abbas Mustan.

Abhishek BachchanAs Abhishek is a little free these days, he is able to watch all the promos on television for the upcoming movies. He says that he really enjoys watching those promos and the actor also says that if given a chance he would have definitely loved to work in few of those movies.

Abhishe Bachchan’s Raavan was a major disaster. Thanks God the actor has the simplicity and boldness to accept this fact. That is why he says again that though he would have loved to work in some of the upcoming movies but he would have been single handedly responsible for people not seeing those movies at all! It is really good Abhi that at least you are able to realize the truth!

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